The Eugene-Maës swimming stadium

The Eugene-Maës swimming stadium

Bassin extérieur Stade nautique Eugène-Maës

The Eugene-Maës swimming Stadium offers various activities and swimming lessons in a fully renovated complex in the heart of Caen city center.

The facility features a 50 meters (164 ft) outdoor olympic pool, a 25 meters (82 ft) indoor pool. In addition, a recreational hall dedicated to playfull activites and education provides two medium depth pools and a paddling pool. A large south facing solarium terrace allows swimmers to enjoy the sun when the weather gets nice.


The Eugene-Maës swimming stadium is labellised Normandy Quality Tourism.


Accès handicapés

The swimming pool is accessible to the disabled.

Logo Normandie Qualité Tourisme

Reloading the subscription or booking activities is possible provided you have an access card (go to the cash desk to receive a login and password).

Opening hours

School period :

  50 meters outdoor 25 meters indoor Recreational hall
Monday 7 AM - 8 PM 8 AM - 8 PM 9 AM - 5 PM
Tuesday 8 AM - 9 PM 11:30AM - 8PM Closed
Wednesday 7 AM - 8 PM 8 AM - 8 PM 9 AM - 12 PM / 2:15 PM - 7PM
Thursday 8 AM - 9 PM 11:30 AM - 8 PM Closed
Friday 7 AM - 8 PM 1 PM - 7 PM
Saturday 9 AM - 6 PM 9 AM - 12 PM / 2 PM - 6 PM
Sunday 9 AM - 5 PM 9 AM - 12 PM / 2 PM - 5 PM

School breaks period (Zone B):

  50 meters outdoor and
25 meters indoor pools*
Recreational hall
Monday 8 AM - 9 PM 10 AM - 8 PM
Tuesday 7 AM - 8 PM 10 AM - 8 PM
Wednesday 7 AM - 9 PM 10 AM - 8 PM
Thursday 8 AM - 8 PM 10 AM - 8 PM
Friday 7 AM - 9 PM 10 AM - 8 PM
Saturday 9 AM - 6 PM 9 AM - 12:30 PM / 2 PM - 6 PM
Sunday 9 AM - 5 PM 9 AM - 12:30 PM / 2 PM - 5 PM

* during the summer, the 25 meters indoor pool is closed


Fees applicable from September 2, 2024

LESSONS (30 minutes entry included)
ACTIVITIES (entrance included)
1 adult entry  5 €
10 adult entries 40 €
1 discounted entry (child under 18, student, job seeker, person with disability) 3,50 €
10 discounted entries (child under 18, student, job seeker, person with disability) 28 €
1 discounted entry (child entry under 5) FREE
Family entry ( 2 adults max + 2 child min) 14 €
1 event entry 6 €
reloadable admission card 5 €
Quarterly admission card (from date to date) 80 €
Annualy admission card (from date to date) 240 €
1 individual adult lesson 12 €
5 individual adult lessons 54 €
10 individual adult lessons 108 €
1 discounted individual lesson (child under 18, student, job seeker, person with disability) 11 €
5 discounted individual lessons (child under 18, student, job seeker, person with disability) 49,50 €
10 discounted individual lessons (child under 18, student, job seeker, person with disability) 99 €
1 adult group lesson (family quotient above 1000)(1) 8 €
5 adult group lessons (family quotient above 1000)(1) 36 €
10 adult group lessons (family quotient above 1000)(1) 72 €
1 group lesson (family quotient between 620 and 1000) (1) 4 €
5 group lessons (family quotient between 620 and 1000)(1) 18 €
10 group lessons (family quotient between 620 and 1000)(1) 36 €
1 group lesson (family quotient below 620)(1) 2 €
5 group lessons (family quotient below 620)(1) 9 €
10 group lessons (family quotient below 620)(1) 18 €
1 activity session  10 €
5 activities sessions 45 €
10 activities sessions 90 €
1 discounted activity session 9 €
5 discounted activities sessions 40,50 €
10 discounted activities sessions 81 €
1 aquabike rental 6 €
5 aquabike rentals 27 €
10 aquabike rentals 54 €
1 discounted aquabike rental 5 €
5 discounted aquabike rentals 22,50 €
10 discounted aquabike rentals 45 €
1 swimming certificate (entry not included) 4 €
1 latex bathing cap 3 €
1 silicone bathing cap 4 €

For every subscription, the purchase of a 5€ reloadable admission card is required to access the pools. 5 and 10 entries or activities subscriptions are  valid for one year from the date of purchase. Admission card replacement is at the expense of the user. Lockers are tokens or 1€ coins operated. Swim caps are mandatory.


(1) Family quotient proof is mandatory


The Nautical Stadium Eugene Maes offers many activities for everyone no matter the level and intensity wished.

Aqua baby

The Aqua baby activity is practised with a parent to live real moments of happiness in the water. This activity allows you to discover water playfully in a safe evironment.

Prenatal aqua fitness

In a pleasant setting and a calm atmosphere, this moment of relaxation and well-being allows you to get more serenely to your delivery.


Aquabiking consists of pedaling in the water on a stationary bike placed at the bottom of the pool, varying the positions according to the desired effects (muscular and hydromassage). Aquabiking combines the benefical effects of water on the skin with muscular work that varies in intensity.

Aqua fitness

Aqua fitness allows to strenghten all the muscles of the body by using the water resistance while limiting the articular traumatisms.


Walking in the water and fighting against the water resistance allows a complete workout of the lower and upper body. Aqua walking avoids all shocks to the joints. The water relieves tensions without any risk of trauma.

Nat Form

The Nat Form activity is aimed at experienced swimmers who wish to maintain their physical capacities and improve their techniques in te 4 official swimming strokes of the federation (crawl, breaststroke and butterfly).

Nat flippers

The use of different types of flippers (short, long and mono) diversifies the activity and allows a complete muscular strengthening of the lower body. During this activity, your abdominal muscles are particularly solicited by the flippers propelling effect and gives you an unequalled sensation of gliding.

Aqua Back

Aqua Back is designed for people with back problems, but it can also be practiced as a preventive measure. The sessions focus on the back mobility, the pelvis and on muscle gain (abdominal and lumbar).


Another way to practice aquatic fitness by linking workshops that solicit alternatively the lower and upper body. Depending on the Caen la mer swimming pool you attend, you can go from aquabking to aquaboxing, from aquatrampoline to aquabuilding, while varying the exercises intensity.

Swimming lessons

The swimming pools of the Caen la mer urban community offer two options to learn how to swim :

All publics (adults and children) of all levels can be welcomed.

A formula of 10 lessons according to 3 different levels:

Level 1: familiarization and beginner level. Towards the learning of a swim.

  • Aquatic Garden (open to 4 and 5 year olds) ;
  • Individual or group swimming lessons (from 6 years old) ;
  • Aquaphobia (reserved for adults).

Level 2: initiated level. Learning of a 2nd or 3rd swim.

  • Adult Nat's - Teen Nat's - Children Nat's ;
  • Perf'Adults - Perf'Children ;
  • Reinforcement for adults and children ;

Level 3: confirmed level. Knowing how to practice two swims and wanting to learn a 3rd swim, or even a 4th swim.

  • 3-4 swims adults - children - Nat'form
  • Preparation for diplomas


Good to know

  • Accepted means of payment : cash, check, debit card, ANCV
  • Evacuation of the pools 15min before closing time.
  • Caen la Mer reserves the right to modify the schedules according to the planning of the competitions, work, draining…
  • The establishment is closed on the following public holiday : January the 1rst, May the 1rst, November the 1rst and December the 25th.

Bath cap is mandatory

Bermuda shorts and shorts are prohibited

The clubs present at the nautical stadium Eugène-Maës :

Pataugeoire stade nautique Eugène-Maës
Pataugeoire stade nautique Eugène-Maës
Circuit training au Stade nautique Eugène-Maës
Circuit training au Stade nautique Eugène-Maës
Bébés nageurs au Stade nautique Eugène-Maës
Bébés nageurs au Stade nautique Eugène-Maës
Aquagym au Stade nautique Eugène-Maës
Aquagym au Stade nautique Eugène-Maës
Aquabike au Stade nautique Eugène-Maës
Aquabike au Stade nautique Eugène-Maës
Bassin extérieur Stade nautique Eugène-Maës
Bassin extérieur Stade nautique Eugène-Maës


Stade Nautique Eugène-Maës


12 Boulevard Yves Guillou
14000 Caen


02 31 30 47 47

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